THere were 2 Rounds of Improving the visual of Careerfoundry During the time that I was there: 1. Redesigning the icons and graphics from the old designS and producing marketing assets. 2. Working with An external agency to develop a new look for the brand (including the website, fonts, colors, and templates for marketing assets)
Round 1: (09/2022 - 10/2023)
Recreating Thumbnails and Icons from the old designs to make them look more modern: + Redesigning but still use the old color palettes, fonts, and brand guidelines + Can't look too different from the existing assets + Colorful and friendly approach
Course Thumbnails
<- swipe ->
<- swipe ->
Visual Asset Examples
Round 2: (10/2023 - 03/2024) Working together with an external agency to develop a new Website For the company: + Redesigning the color palettes, fonts, and Visual assets. + Working with THE Product team to develop a new design system as well as doing QA for the new website. + Creating templates for THE Marketing team to autonomically produce assets on their own without depending on the designer (in this case, the team of one person: me)